About The Department
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was started in the year 2009 with an intake of 60, with an objective of imparting quality education in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The Department of EEE has been a pioneer in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, with core Research and Development in Power Electronics and Power Systems for many decades. The department has well equipped, state of art of laboratory facilities Engineering Practices Lab, Electric circuits Lab, Linear and Digital Integrated Circuits Lab,Computer programming Lab, Electrical Machines I & II Lab, Control and Instrumentation Lab, Power Electronics Lab, Microprocessors and Micro-controllers Lab and Power System Simulation Lab. Department of EEE has young, Dynamic, and qualified team of Teaching faculty and Non-teaching staff members. The department continuously growing in terms of academic, placements, co curricular and extra curricular activities projects and consultancy activities. Electrical and Electronics Engineer’s job responsibilities include specification, design, development, and implementation of products or systems, as well as research to create new ideas.
To foster the students with technical competence in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and to take up challenging roles in research and entrepreneurship for building a better world
* To provide high-quality technical education in cutting-edge technologies and
linked laboratories.
* To promote creativity and innovation through collaboration with industry, research organizations, and
* To offer an excellent foundation in theory, practical engineering skills, expertise in interpersonal
communication, teamwork and regular attention to ethics, competent behavior, and critical thinking to
our students.